Priory Aspire is part of Priory School.

All students within the Aspire classes are on the roll of Priory School.

Aspire offers specialist provision for students in Keystages 3 and 4 with co-occurring Moderate Learning difficulties (MLD) and Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs.

The Aspire classes are based in Thurston.

There are 6 places at Priory Aspire

The development of Priory Aspire is part of SENDATs commitment to supporting a wide range of specialist provision as part of the local offer.

Admissions are through the local authority.


Priory Aspire, is 10 minutes away from Priory School.

School Lane, Thurston, Suffolk, IP31 3RY

Telephone 01284 761934 Option 7

Frequently Asked Questions about Priory Aspire

Students can bring a packed lunch or have a school dinner. Our lunches are cooked at the Priory main site and then delivered to Priory Aspire. Click here to jump to school dining pages

If you are enquiring about a school place / admissions please use this contact form.

It helps to be able to answer your question if we have the answer to a few questions. Please also make sure you have read the information on out admissions page.