SENDAT is committed to offering every student as a SENDAT school or provision 20 Experiences. Our enrichment offer will include much more than these 20 activities but this gives a flavour of our commitment.
We expect that students who stay for at least 3 years will have been offered all the experiences. We should acknowledge that some students may not wish to take up the offer.
This core experience offer demonstrates our commitment to make bespoke learning pathways with excellent teaching and learning, out of school enrichment that develops leadership skills in a way that values the contributions of all.
We have many opportunities including annual trip to Wales, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Forest School and many more……

- 1. Get a work experience / Work related experience (yr 10+)
- 2. Spend time getting to know an older person
- 3. Volunteer / Fundraiser for a charity
- 4. Join a club for a hobby
- 5. set yourself a personal physical challenge
- 6. Learn First Aid
- 7. Manage your money
- 8. Learn to cook
- 9. Stay away from home for a night and cook a meal outdoors
- 10. Spend time in nature
- 11. Carry out a random act of kindness
- 12. Express yourself - Play a musical instrument - Sing - Dance - Drama - Art
- 13. Speak in assembly, or in front of the class
- 14. Ride a Bike
- 15. Learn to swim
- 16. Go afloat in a boat or canoe
- 17. Take a bus or a train ride
- 18. Fly a kite
- 19. Climb a hill
- 20. Compete at a sports event

1. Work Experience
In yrs 10, 11 and post-16 we want all students to have experiences of work. For some this will be a work experience placement for others this will be supported work related activity.
2. Spend time getting to know an older person
3. Volunteer / Fundraiser for a charity
All students are encouraged to take part in charity events such as Children in Need, Sport relief. The School Council organises these events.
4. Join a club for a hobby
Clubs are available for some lunchtimes and some after school activities. The clubs on offer vary between schools but often include Chess, model making, canoeing, biking etc
5. Set yourself a personal physical challenge
All students take part in physical activity. We actively support healthy lifestyles. Students should set targets appropriate to their abilities
6. Learn First Aid
Basic First Aid is a life skill. Through PSHE lessons and clubs students can learn first aid.
7. Manage your money
Students should learn about handling money, bank accounts, insurance and loans.
8. Learn to cook
Cooking is a life skill important for independence. All students get regular opportunities to cook.
9. Stay away from home for a night and cook a meal outdoors
We have many residential opportunities including the Annual Wales trip, Duke of Edinburgh Award, and activities weeks
10. Spend time in nature
Through experiences such as Forest School, visits to parks, nature trails, develop an interest in nature and the natural world.
11. Carry out a random act of kindness
We foster mutual respect and kindness to all.
12. Express yourself - Play a musical instrument - Sing - Dance - Drama - Art
Many opportunities to take part in choir, plays and productions as well as art.
13. Speak in assembly, or in front of the class
Talk about a hobby to the class. Stand for school council election, talk about a trip or experience in assembly.
14. Ride a Bike
Learning to ride a bike safely is a life skill and supports independence. The schools have a range of bikes and we also link with biking organisations including West Suffolk Wheelers
15. Learn to swim
Learning to Swim and having Water confidence is a life skill. We have opportunities to learn to swim.
add something
16. Go afloat in a boat or canoe
We have opportunities to learn to canoe and experience sailing, linking with Lackford Lakes, Deben Canoe club and others. Priory is a British Canoeing club.
17. Take a bus or a train ride
Learn to travel independently, through school lessons and working with the Travel training team.
18. Fly a kite
Kites come in lots of different colours, sizes and even shapes. But they all have one thing in common – they love to fly. Part of the National Trust 50
19. Climb a hill
We don't have too many real hills in East Anglia. Students on the Wales trip have chance to climb a hill, or a mountain, some may even walk up Mount Snowdon.
20. Compete at a sports event
Representing your school in a sporting event is a bog step. Our schools join a wide range of sporting events including swimming, athletics, Boccia, etc We compete with Panathlon.