Safeguarding Team
At EEG we take child protection and safeguarding very seriously. All our school staff including senior leaders, teachers, support staff, office staff, catering, play leaders, cleaning staff and office staff, undertake Child Protection/Safeguarding training which is renewed every 3 years. We also have regular supply staff who have undertaken training with us. Our Trustees and Local Academy Council representatives attend child protection/safeguarding. Prevent Duty training is part of the ongoing safeguarding training for all staff, raising awareness of signs and indicators of radicalisation and how and when to report concerns to the Channel programme. The Head of school, other senior staff and some directors have completed “Safer Recruiting” training and undertakes all interviews for new staff.
All staff and Governors have DBS checks and have also completed ‘Disqualification by Association’ checks.
All students and volunteers have induction which includes information about safeguarding and child protection.

On entry to this school all visitors are asked to provide ID. You will be handed our safeguarding information sheet to read before you sign in.
There are posters with photographs of the Safeguarding Team placed around school so if visitors have any safeguarding concerns, they are able to identify who to report their concerns to.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
The school’s Child Protection / Safeguarding Policy is available to read on the website and is available for staff to access on the internal network.
Code of Conduct
The Trust has a Code of Conduct which seeks to ensure that the duty to promote and safeguard the wellbeing of children is in part, achieved by staff having a clear understanding of positive professional behaviours and provides practical guidance for anyone who works with, or on behalf of children regardless of their role, responsibilities or status.
Staff are responsible for ensuring their behaviour is in line with the professional conduct expected. If a member of staff is concerned about the behaviour of another member of staff, this should be reported to the Head of school or the Safeguarding LAB member in line with the school Whisteblowing policy.
First Day Calling and Children Missing in Education
Parents are requested to notify the school if their child is going to be absent due to illness or appointments. If a child does not come to school and we have not been informed of the reason, the school does first day calling and logs details of the concern to monitor attendance as part of child protection and safeguarding procedures. Children missing from education are reported to the local authority following the Suffolk County procedures.