We have answered a few questions here but there is also the chance to ask a different question if you feel we haven't answered your question.

Duke of Lancaster is a state funded special school. As such admissions are through Norfolk County Council. Further information is available on our admissions page https://sendat.academy/dukeoflancaster/admissions/ 

Duke of Lancaster is a state funded special school for students with Communication and Interaction difficulties.


  • All students will have a full Education, Health and Care Plan. (EHCP)
  • Most will have a diagnosis of Autism. This is not essential for all students to have a full diagnosis, but should be displaying some or all traits.
  • Students will be in the “average” cognitive range. Students will be working towards mainstream milestones including SAT’s and GCSE’s

We have an A-Z guide for parents. Once your child’s place is confirmed you will be sent a copy.

There are lots of opportunities for outdoor activities at Duke of Lancaster.

  • Every classroom has its own outdoor space with canopy.
  • There is a multi use games area (MUGA), as well as a sports field.
  • Duke of Lancaster is committed to the SENDAT 20 offer –https://sendat.academy/sendat-20/ 
  • Scout activities are embedded into the work of the school and its curriculum.
  • There is a programme of residential trips including the Annual SENDAT wales trip in May for some in KS3-4
  • From year 9 upwards the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme is available to students.

Yes! especially in Key Stage 4. All students start work on their transition plan for post 16 education. This will include where appropriate a Minipath, work experience and college visits. Independent advice an guidance is also available.

The sensory needs of students within this profile can find it difficult in mainstream. Duke of Lancaster has 100 places and will not be suitable for all students.

You may find help from SENDIASS https://www.norfolksendiass.org.uk/

The current school can apply through “school to school” support https://s4s.norfolk.gov.uk/Services/2070

Duke of Lancaster has its own catering team who are managed by the SENDAT catering Manager. a sample menu can be seen here https://sendat.academy/menus/

Transport to school is the responsibility of Norfolk County Council. Currently we are waiting for transport providers to be identified.


We will do our best to answer your question please email office@dukeoflancaster.sendat.academy