Consistent formatting for school / provision information on websites and local offer

Feedback from Families and Family Services team suggests that they would find it much clearer if all schools /colleges / provisions had a standard set of heading that they use to describe their offer.

School Name - Duke of Lancaster

Number of places and age range

Duke of Lancaster has 100 places ages 5-16

The primary need that the school / provision caters for

A. ☐ Communication and interaction -YES

B. Cognition and Learning

      1. ☐ MLD – NO (Moderate Learning Difficulties)
      2. ☐ SLD – NO (Severe Learning Difficulties)
      3. ☐ PMLD – no (Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties)

C. ☐ Sensory and Physical – no

D. ☐ Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) – no

Do students need to have “average” cognition?

At Duke of Lancaster students are expected to be working in the average cognitive range. This is because the curriculum is academically focused.

Average class size and staffing model

At Keystages one and two we aim to have class sizes of 8. There is a teacher and 2 member2 of support staff.

At keystages three and four the maximum class size is 8. There is a teacher and 2 members of support staff.

Brief description of the curriculum offer.

At Duke of Lancaster we are mainly delivering the Yellow curriculum pathway, we offer support on the red pathway and extend students on the white pathway. for more information on the pathways please see

At Key stage one and two most of the lessons are class based.

At Key stage three, four and five most students will move between teachers for different subjects. Students on the green pathway will have more lessons with their class teacher.

Specialist spaces at the school / provision

    1. ☐ Swimming pool – no unfortunately we do not have a swimming pool on site. we do access the local leisure pool
    2. ☐ Sensory room (s), yes we have three different sensory rooms at Duke of Lancaster
    3. ☐ other please give details. We are set in 5 acres of space and have good outside space.

The average number of places available each year

At Duke of Lancaster we usually expect to have about 16 places mainly from students leaving at year 11.

How can a school tour be booked.

For SENDAT schools the dates of tours and booking information is on this page

Other Information and links

Duke of Lancaster SEND Information Report –  Please click here