Explorer Scouts - Atlantis

Explorer Scouts is open to anyone 14 to 18 years old. Atlantis Explorer unit is an Open Sponsored Unit. This means that whilst the school are running the unit, anyone is able to join.

Key Facts About Explorer Scouts - Atlantis

– Meets Thursday nights 4pm – 6pm

– Subs need to be paid every week £4 pays for the activities and the Scout registration fee.
– Explorer Uniform shirt is also needed cost £20-£24 (depending on size)
– Atlantis explorer scouts wear a two tone blue neckerchief.
– Atlantis explorer scout unit is part of Bury St Edmunds District and the unit is invited to district events.
– Some activities and camps will be offered a weekends.
– Explorers can completed tasks to earn badges (click here for information on badges)

If you would like to know more please talk to Miss Hunt (Skip) or Mr Chapman